www.prindlestation.com Toggle Search Account Checkout Cart Cast Iron Bell Parts C.S. Bell Parts by Model Parts for F62 Patio Bell Parts for F1 Farm Bell Parts for F2 Farm Bell Parts for F3 Farm Bell USA Bell Parts Bell Uprights Bell Cranks Bell Handles Bell Clappers Bell Yokes Wall Mounts Bell Eyebolt Assembly Bell Bowls Complete Cast Iron Bell Kits Iron Bell Info Customer Appreciation Gallery Iron Bell History Mounting Your Bell Iron Bell Repair & Care Contact Us Search site Submit search Menu2 Nav Menu 3 Nav Menu 4 Nav Menu 5 Nav Menu 6 Nav Menu 7 Nav Menu 8 Home > Cast Iron Bell Parts > Eyebolt Assembly for Farm Bell #F62 Eye-bolt for Farm Bell #F62. Made in USA Alternative Views: Includes 2 square nuts, 1 metal washer, and 1 plastic 'no tip' washer Price: $37.00 Availability:: Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Business Days Qty: Description Technical Specs Extended Information A 3/8" eye bolt that is 4 1/4” long. We include a plastic washer, back in the day they used a leather washer. The leather washers quickly disintegrated, however, the plastic washer will last and last. We also include a metal washer and two square nuts.When mounting your bell, secure the bell and yoke to the assembly, just to finger tight. Then place the yoke into the upright. Then straighten and tighten the eye bolt and bell until your bell hangs straight and is level. Eye bolt that is 4 1/4” long overall- 3 1/2" post. This fits the C.S. Bell F62 and other bell manufactures.Fits bells with bowls that are 6 1/4" tall with a diameter of about 11 3/8". 3/8" diameter hole in the top of the bell bowl. Assemble the bell and mount it on the upright. Then straighten the assembly, tighten the square nut, straighten and tighten until the bell hangs straight and the eyebolt assembly is tight. Share your knowledge of this product. Be the first to write a review »